For Peace of Mind Motoring

For your convenience and to provide you with uninterrupted cover for your vehicle, we will automatically renew your policy using the payment details you have already provided, unless we or you have advised otherwise.

It is not possible for us to automatically renew policies in all circumstances. Your renewal notice will advise if your Policy will be automatically renewed or if you need to discuss the renewal with us.

We will contact you at least 21 days before your policy ends, and before taking any payment to confirm your renewal premium and policy terms.

If you receive your autorenewal policy and wish to cancel this, please call us on 0203 510 0062

Autorenewal Opt-out Form

If you do not want us to automatically renew your policy moving forward, please call us on 0203 510 0062 or complete the form below and click submit

By selecting submit you are opting out of future autorenewals.

If you have a policy due to commence in the next 35 days that you want to cancel please contact a member of our team on 020 3510 0062